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Auto Insurance Coverage Definitions
Executive Edge Insurance, Merced META DATA DATA StartFragment Common Auto Insurance Coverage Definitions ​Liability Limits​​ Applies to:...
Agents vs Brokers, What Difference Does It Make?
At Executive Edge Insurance, we are brokers. And we are Agents. Here is how it works... If nothing else at all, here is what you need to...
Info We Need For a Home Insurance Quote & Why We Need It...
Homeowners Insurance So, you're ready to call an agent and talk insurance! But, if you've never bought a policy before, you might be a...
Covering Cannabis
I have gotten some feedback from dispensary owners that their choices are limited when it comes to insurance, and that it is difficult to...
Spring Maintenance
The milder days of spring are a perfect time to do a thorough spring cleaning and perform home maintenance. After a long winter, it is a...
Animal Collisions
A leading cause of accidents is Hitting Animals. While not as common as Road Rage or even Driving the Wrong Way (still funny) it is still...
Car Safety
During the month of March, for no particular reason, I will be putting up posts and updating the blog with random but important facts...
Cooking is a Leading Cause of Home Fires
Cooking related fires are the number one cause of home fires and home fire injuries and 33 percent of them start as the result of cooking...
NASCAR- Nationwide Car- What's Up?
Being an insurance provider, having Nationwide there to help us, and you, get through tough times is a big deal. After seeing this last...