5.2 Weird Insurance Policies and Claims
You thought insurance was boring, huh? You thought it was all premiums, liabilities, paperwork and quotes didn’t you? Guess again, ...
Who and Where is Executive Edge Insurance?
Executive Edge Insurance is located at 320 E. Yosemite Ave Ste 101 in Merced. For those not familiar with Merced, if you take G St. and...
Taking a Summer Vacation? Checklist to Make Sure Your Home is Safe.
For many, the short days and chilly temperatures of winter can’t be gone fast enough and the hot balmy days of summer seduce us into ever...
Insurance Agent vs Insurance Broker, What’s the Difference?
Insurance agents and brokers are oftentimes referred to as the same thing by the general public when in fact there are some very...
Dog Bite Claims... How Often Do They Really Happen?
What we know: Dog bites accounted for more than one-third of all homeowners insurance liability claim dollars paid out in 2013, costing...
10 Reasons to See an Insurance Agent Instead of Shopping Online for Cheap Car Insurance Premiums
1. Obtaining an online quote for auto insurance is not necessarily a true quote – oftentimes it is a blind quote. When you get an...
Identity Theft – Are You Covered?
The Nation was shocked during the holiday season of 2013 when it found out that trusted retailer Target experienced a data breach that...
Walmart Is Going To Sell Insurance – Do You Really Want Coverage from a Retailer?
Retail Giant Walmart has decided to step into the world of insurance. They have partnered with Autoinsurance.com to offer car insurance...
Rental Car Coverage that doesn't cover
Did you know? You may have purchased rental car coverage but some bargain auto policies leave you open to paying out of your own pocket...
Over 55? Get Mature Driver Discounts on Your Auto Insurance.
Many of us would be surprised to learn that mature driving discounts aren’t just for senior citizens. Once we reach the age of 55 we,...